
N968WC at NIFA Regionals 2007

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Griffin 18, Check 6...

Today’s I’d like to tell a story about ATC and me. I was on a return flight from Nephi, UT when I had a rather funny conversation with a controller.
Controller: “Griffin 18, Traffic at your six o’clock, same altitude, opposite direction, type unknown.”
Basically this guy just told me that there was somebody behind me going the other way. Of course I had to be a smart ass and reply.
Me: “Approach, that traffic is no factor for Griffin 18”
Controller: “Um… Griffin 18 I need some clarification on tha- Oh hold on. [Laughs] Oops, sorry about that I see what you mean. Griffin 18 traffic is indeed no factor for you. Continue northbound and switch over to tower 120.2”
Me: Approach don’t worry about it, I hadn’t checked my six in a while. over to 120.2 see ya later.”
Controller: “[Laughs] No problem, Have a good flight sir”
It’s nice to know that ATC’s watching out for ya in the air, and heck they’re only human and lord knows that I make way more radio slip ups than they do.
So remember, always listen carefully to ATC. They’re there to help and sometimes you might get a good laugh out of it.

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